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Carolina Soccer Center of Excellence


Every coach has his or her unique personality and independent thought-processes. In order to respect coaches, and in turn get the best out of the coach, it is essential for the club to let each coach express their individuality and creativity. At the same time, there are certain standards and procedures that all coaches are expected to uphold.

Parents, players, and the club, should be able to expect the following from any coach:

·      A coach who promotes the player values of hard work, selflessness & intelligent decision making.

·      A coach who is available & approachable.

·      A coach who creates an atmosphere of harmony in your team.

·      A coach who treats players with humanity and discipline.

·      A coach who lets the team take the credit.

·      A coach who provides training that is based off a curriculum and focused on a specific purpose.

·      A coach who provides training that allows players plenty of "time on task" during sessions. (I.e. repetition.)

·      A coach who provides training specific information-based feedback to players during training sessions.

·      A coach who provides training a "fair" amount of playing time during games. (Fair does not necessarily mean equal. Many factors affect playing time, all of which are up to the coach to use their expertise to interpret.)

Every coach should have their own individual philosophy on the game of soccer, and their own set of individual priorities. However, no matter a coach’s personal outlook, all coaches are still expected to exhibit the same three CSC prioritized character traits:


Every player deserves to be pushed to reach their potential. To not be demanding is to cheat the player out of reaching their potential. Coaches will be demanding of your child.


When a coach compliments a player, the player should know the coach genuinely means it. To be dishonest is to cheat the player out of the possibility to learn and improve. Coaches will be honest with your child.


To be uncaring is to cheat the player out of the right environment needed to learn and grow. Coaches will care for your child.


As a club we want parents to be directly involved with their child’s soccer development.

It does not matter if you have no soccer experience. If you want or need to help, a lesson plan is always provided, and a coaching director is always present. We want to take all possible pressure off parents who are kind and generous enough to volunteer their time and effort. 

All coaches must pass a background check, and we heavily encourage all coaches to complete the Youth I, Youth II, or E License. (You can get your F License online in just a few hours.)


1.       Arrive on time, (that means early,) dress appropriately, (CSC uniform,) wear a watch, (cell phones are considered extremely unprofessional for coaches,) be prepared, and do not eat or drink anything as you enter the field.

2.       Give clear demonstrations and instructions.

3.       The coaching points should be interjected in the session at the right times (Frequently, but not so much it disrupts the session).

4.       The coaching points should be interjected correctly (Fast and clear).

5.       If the session is stopped, it should be restarted in sensible and logical way.

6.       The interaction with the players should be appropriate (Friendly, but not their friend; correct language for age group; disciplined, but not harsh).

7.       The coach’s positioning relative to the players should be correct (Correct eye level, sunglasses and/or hat off if addressing an individual; players facing away from sun and/or distractions).

8.       Know all the player’s names.

9.       Be confident.

10.    Be happy, enthusiastic, positive, and encouraging.

*  The Golden Rule: If worse comes to worst – LET THEM PLAY! Set up a scrimmage and leave them alone. Letting the game be the teacher is a positive. *

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Carolina Soccer Center of Excellence


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